My car after accident, what will/should insurance give?
Claiming for this is an accepted (and perfectly legal) scam. solicitors make millions out of it. How it works is: You go and see your doctor first and tell him you have had an accident and you have terrible headaches and pains around your shoulders and accross your upper back. You tell your doctor you are suffering from whiplash an other effects from the accident and you are scared to drive due to the accident.It doesn't matter if what you say is true or not and a doctor is not going to take the risk of assuming what you say is not true. You act up a bit and lay it on. The doctor will record all this in your file and you need to have as much problems as possible recorded in your doctors file.
You need to see the doctor first because the other persons insurance will write to him for a copy of your file just to check you have been to see him. If you don't go and see him then the insurance company will hold that against you to try to reduce your claim.
After seeing your doctor you go and see a solicitor/lawyer. They will send you to see a specialist who compiles a report of your trauma/whiplash etc. You have to act up a bit with the specialist just to make him know how bad you feel (even if you feel OK and there is nothing wrong with you). The specialist will send a report to your solicitor.
Once he gets this report your solicitor will start your claim against the other guys insurance. Your solicitor will send you to a specialist that he uses all the time. Solicitors and specialist are in it together, but noone can disclaim what a specialist says in his report because medical matters are for medical people and an insurance company will not dispute his report.
Since you have witnesses you should have no problem ,it would be helpfull if you could get the number of the police officer who attended the incident although this is not crucial due to your witnesses.
After a few months an offer of compensation will be made to your solicitor. You immediately tell your solicitor to try again,you NEVER accept the first offer. Then eventually you will get a big fat cheque landing in your mail box.
When it comes to payment, this should not cost you anything. The solicitor pays the specialist for his report and he then claims all his expenses/costs from the other insurance company.
The whole process should cost you nothing and when you go to see your solicitor get him to make this quite plain to you.
You shouldn't use your own insurance company for a compensation claim because all they want to do is sort things out to suit them and not you .The insurance company don't give a sh?t about claiming compensation for you.
Even if you see a specialist three months later (which I did) and there is obviously nothing wrong with you, you will still succeed in getting a substantial amount in compensation.
Just remember one thing. The reason why your insurance costs so much is partly due to the huge number of compensation claims made against them, everyone is at it after an accident Solicitors,specialists,claimants you name it. AND it is perfectly legal.
Make your claim just practice your acting ability until you see your doctor.
Labels: car accident, get insurance